domingo, 18 de janeiro de 2009

I don't wanna talk

About the things we've gone through

Though it's hurting me

Now it's history

I've played all my cards

And that's what you've done too

Nothing more to say

No more ace to play

The winner takes it all

The loser standing small

Beside the victory

That's her destiny

I was in your arms

Thinking I belonged there

I figured it made sense

Building me a fence

Building me a home

Thinking I'd be strong there

But I was a fool

Playing by the rules

The gods may throw a dice

Their minds as cold as ice

And someone way down here

Loses someone dear

The winner takes it all

The loser has to fall

It's simple and it's plain

Why should I complain.

But tell me does she kiss

Like I used to kiss you?

Does it feel the same

When she calls your name?

Somewhere deep inside

You must know I miss you

But what can I say

Rules must be obeyed

The judges will decide

The likes of me abide

Spectators of the show

Always staying low

The game is on again

A lover or a friend

A big thing or a small

The winner takes it allI don't wanna talkIf it makes you feel sad

And I understand

You've come to shake my hand

I apologize

If it makes you feel bad

Seeing me so tense

No self-confidence

But you see

The winner takes it all

The winner takes it all...

Não sei se ganhaste, levaste tudo..sei que é a tua música preferida dos ABBA, e cantámos esta música as duas. Hoje ouvi-a na rádio e chorei..chorei de saudade, chorei de dor, chorei porque não te voltarei a ver, não voltarei a olhar para os teus olhos, sentir o teu gosto, o teu cheiro.
Chorei porque te perdi.

2 comentários:


Felia por você acompanhar o Código, considere a casa sua...
e se quiser participar é só falar.

Linda sua casa..

Nova mas com ar de recomeço...

Tenho certeza que a tua procura
te encontrará...

beijos no coração

Código Secreto

CC disse...

código secreto

obrigado pelas tuas palavras.

recomeçar nunca foi fácil.

irei à tua casa
